Travel Photographers Guide To Sri Lanka.

In the year of 2014, I embarked on a journey to Sri Lanka that left me utterly breathless. This tropical gem nestled in the Indian Ocean offered an unparalleled experience, where pristine rainforests beckoned right up to the doorstep of my hotel, and thrilling day trips led me to conquer the majestic Lion Rock. Witnessing wild elephants roaming freely and riding a picturesque train through the lush highlands and tea plantations added a touch of magic to my adventure.

If I were to impart one crucial piece of advice, it would be to keep your camera at the ready and seize every moment to capture the essence of Sri Lanka through your lens. The beauty that unfolds before you is simply awe-inspiring, and you wouldn't want to miss a single opportunity to encapsulate it in photographs. In this photographer's paradise, every scene is a masterpiece waiting to be framed.

With every click of the shutter, you'll feel the vibrant spirit of Sri Lanka flowing through your images. From its idyllic landscapes to the colorful daily life of its people, the canvas of this captivating island is ever-changing, promising an infinite array of remarkable shots.

As you embark on your photography tour in Sri Lanka, here are my invaluable tips to help you make the most of this wondrous journey. Embrace spontaneity, for the most magical moments may unfold unexpectedly. Allow yourself to immerse in the local culture, as the heart and soul of Sri Lanka lie in its warm and welcoming people. Venture beyond the tourist hotspots to discover the hidden gems, where the true essence of this paradise awaits your lens.

So, with your camera in hand and your heart open to wonder, let Sri Lanka's charm envelop you in its embrace. Capture the magic, the colors, and the stories that will forever linger in your photographs, and treasure the memories of this extraordinary journey for a lifetime.

  1. Don’t go in summer it’s so hot and humid, March April seems to be the best time to travel Sri Lanka

  2. Equipment I took with me, 2 camera bodies, 24 x 70mm F 2.8, 70 x 200mm F4, lots of memory cards, 2 hard drives, laptop.

  3. Check out this site for more Camera gear check list Travel photography checklist

  4. Carry a small flash or LED light to create some drama and direction in your lighting.

  5. Use your IPhone for BTS video and some quick and candid images, it also records your location via GPS.

  6. Have plenty of small change local currency for tips

  7. Use a local guide to help you navigate the country and setup locals for street photography.

  8. Always ask for permission to photograph locals in their environment

  9. Copy all your documents including passport on your photo and also have hard copies stashed away just incase.

  10. Bring with you all meds recommended by you doc and travel insurance is a must.

  11. Download Maps me maps of the area so you don’t need Phone coverage this way you will never get lost.

  12. Travel Documents:

    1. Passport: A valid passport is essential for international travel. Make sure your passport is up-to-date and has at least six months validity remaining.

    2. Visa: Depending on the country you're visiting, you may need to obtain a visa. Research the visa requirements for your destination well in advance of your trip.

    3. Travel Insurance: Purchase travel insurance to protect yourself in case of emergency. Make sure your insurance covers medical expenses and travel cancellations.

    4. Flight tickets: Don't forget to bring a printed copy of your flight itinerary and confirmation.

    5. Hotel reservations: Make sure to have your hotel reservations and confirmations handy.

    6. Vaccination records: Some countries may require proof of vaccinations. Make sure you have your vaccination records with you.

    7. Currency: Make sure to bring enough cash and credit/debit cards that are accepted in the country you're visiting.

    By having this list of essential gear and documents, you will be well-prepared to capture stunning images and navigate smoothly through your travel photography adventure. Happy shooting and safe travels!


Travel photographers will love Sri Lanka, a little island nation in the Indian Ocean. There is no shortage of breathtaking subject matter to photograph, from verdant green landscapes to historic temples and busy city streets.

The ancient city of Sigiriya, popularly known as the Lion Rock, is one of the must-visit destinations for photography in Sri Lanka. This enormous rock stronghold, which dates to the fifth century, provides panoramic views of the region and is a well-liked location for sunset photography.

The Kandy Temple of the Tooth Relic is another well-liked photography location. The complex architecture and vibrant decorations of this revered Buddhist monastery, which includes a tooth relic of the Lord Buddha, make for stunning photos.

In Yala National Park, you can take pictures of a range of wild animals, including elephants, leopards, and crocodiles, if you're seeking for a more natural subject. A variety of bird species can be photographed at the area as well.

The capital city of Colombo provides a combination of old and contemporary architecture as well as street views that depict Sri Lankans going about their everyday lives for those seeking a more metropolitan experience.

No matter where you decide to travel in Sri Lanka, make sure to take your time and thoroughly investigate the area because the most interesting photo opportunities can arise from unlikely locations. Not to mention a nice camera and an adventurous spirit!

Sri Lanka is a wonderful location for travel photography because of its unique cultures, landscapes, and inhabitants. There is always something for a photographer to shoot, whether it be historic temples, national parks, busy city streets, or stunning beaches.


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